Well Balanced Portfolio

Being farmer today is probably the most exciting activity on Earth and it has never been so challenging, as we will need to feed a growing population and taking care of our planet. ASCENZA is bringing in the next years, a portfolio of solutions to overcome those challenges and provide a portfolio that fits to farmer needs on plant care and sustainability
with a well balanced portfolio.

Bringing new off-patent solutions with added value for our clients is at the core of what we develop. The breadth and the scalability of our portfolio are two key competitive advantages, to face the new regulatory challenges in the EU and globally. We will keep investing in bringing differentiation to the market.

We are part of a bigger Group. We are the Crop Protection pillar of Rovensa.
Our Group incorporates several companies and different business units with a complementary portfolio of solutions and a common objective: change the agriculture model within a Well Balanced Agriculture concept.
We accomplish this by providing crop strategy programmes and services adapted for all crops and for specific local needs, covering most of the plant input spectrum on world core markets.
Product Portfolio

ASCENZA develops balanced crop care solutions
to support a healthy and sustainable food system that allows us to increase the sustainability of our portfolio.
Balanced Crop Care

Our fungicide solutions help farmers protect their crops against diseases in grapevines, fruit trees, vegetables and cereals and other crops. Our boots-on-the-ground approach has ensured the integration of our offer through an extensive fungicide portfolio that unites a wide variety of modes of action within an optimized and sustainable disease management framework, supported by extensive in-house know-how and interdisciplinary team networking.
Today we deliver products based on metalaxyl-m, penconazole, kresoxym, sulphur and many others, and our commitment to farmers and all stakeholders involves providing them with future sustainable solutions, respecting environmental and social needs, through innovative and low-risk technologies.

Insect, mite and nematode control products are vital to producing affordable, high-quality food, either by direct damage control or by controlling virus transmission to plants. To achieve this, we have an extremely reliable set of active ingredients such as lambda-cyhalothrin, deltamethrin, pyriproxyfen, abamectin and hexythiazox in addition to many others, and using our in-house knowledge we are developing new ways of maximizing the full potential of these pest control products, along with best practices and formulations, while taking care of human health and the environment.

Weeds compete with crops for space, nutrients, water and light. If uncontrolled, they may severely jeopardize crop productivity and harvest quality. We perform exhaustive market analyses to identify actual needs and forthcoming problems that growers may face regarding weed management.
Based on already known molecules like diflufenican, s-metolachlor, iodosulfuron and flazasulfuron, among others, we strive to design innovative associations which form the basis of our differentiated herbicide products. We are also committed to creating state-of-the-art formulations that enhance the performance of our herbicides, with support from Rovensa.

Bioprotection Products
A growing trend towards bio protection products to control pests and diseases and the synergies coming from Rovensa, have driven ASCENZA to offer solutions based on botanical and microbiological extracts, with the aim of helping growers to farm our future. Therefore, a new brand: Blexia, was born. Under the wing of ASCENZA, Blexia assumes a contemporary position towards the latest trends in the sector. An innovative and conscious brand, prepared to respond to future challenges. These products allow us to respond to farmers' needs, simultaneously meeting the demands of the chain of value and maintaining the crop's quality and profitability.
Explore our solutions in your country
Industrial Services
The complexity of our business is a permanent challenge. Our answer to this is our installed capacity, our meticulousness and the demanding standards we have adopted, both at industrial and laboratory level.

We manufacture exclusive Crop Protection Products
providing the link between the R&D results of our activities and the manufacturing industry. As such, we can fill the gap between laboratory scale manufacturing and multi-ton (per year) contract manufacturing.
Our multidisciplinary team is also responsible for ensuring that products meet all legal obligations.
One of the main benefits for ASCENZA's customers is precisely the fact that they have access to a turn-key service, where there are no concerns about capital investment, fixed and maintenance costs or additional licences.
With these tolling service, ASCENZA also guaranteed some other benefits, such as:

- Flexibility to adjust production schedules.
- Competitive production costs.
- Ontime delivery.
- And finally, the opportunity to work with a team of experienced professionals willing to delight their business partners.