ASCENZA en el mundo
Grupo Rovensa

ASCENZA Agro Projects


Project designation | Sea4CS - Development of microencapsuleswith marine-based biopolymers

Project code | LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-045208

Main aim | OT1 - Reinforce research, technological development and innovation

Intervention region | NUTS II Lisbon

Beneficiary entity | ASCENZA Agro, S.A.

Approval date | 17-12-2019

Start date | 01-03-2020
End date | 01-03-2022

Total eligible cost | 1.340.241,85 EUR

European Union financial support | FEDER - 646.289,80 EUR

Scope | The project aims to create a new generation of microencapsulated plant protection products with marine-based biopolymers, with the purpose of replacing the use of microplastics, ensuring positive impacts on the environment and human health, as well as promoting a sustainable agriculture.

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